The exhibition dedicated to Serbian cultural heritage sites inscribed on the UNESCO List of World Heritage in Danger—the monasteries of Dečani, Gračanica, and the Patriarchate of Peć, as well as the Church of the Virgin of Ljeviša in Prizren—was held at the UNESCO headquarters to mark the 20th anniversary of the inclusion of the Visoki Dečani Monastery on the UNESCO World Heritage List, recognizing its outstanding universal value.
Изложба посвећена српским културним добрима са Листе светске баштине у опасности – манастирима Дечани, Грачаница и Пећка патријаршија, као и цркви Богородице Љевишке у Призрену, одржана је у седишту УНЕСКО поводом обележавања 20 година од уписа манастира Високи Дечани на Листу светске баштине културних добара од изузетног значаја за човечанство.

Blending visual arts and technology, the exhibition offers a transmedia exploration of cultural history, serving as a compelling metaphor for the delicate balance between the physical and spiritual realms. By inviting visitors to interact with digitally enhanced exhibits, featuring figurative representations of architecture and wall paintings, the exhibition fosters a deeper understanding of both the significance and the current endangered status of these four cultural and historical landmarks.
Кроз спој визуелне уметности и савремене технологије креирали смо трансмедијално истраживање културне историје као својеврсну метафору деликатне равнотеже између физичке и духовне стварности. Уводеђи посетиоце изложбе у интеракцију са дигитално обогаћеним експонатима који представљају стилизовану спољашњост и унутрашњост, односно архитектуру и зидно сликарство, створили смо специфичну везу са циљем бољег разумевања значаја, као и тренутног стања угрожености четири културно историјска добра …

Through a subtle design intervention, the columns of Hall Ségur were transformed into abstract representations of birds, carrying scrolls that prominently displayed important historical document, the Dečani charters.

Positioned below the scroll, floor pedestals showcased monasteries architecture using point cloud particle animations. This technique transformed physical structures into ethereal, light-based representations, evoking the spirituality and vulnerability of these sites. The intersection of tangible and digital realms invited visitors to engage deeply with the monasteries’ histories in an innovative and reflective format.

Vertical structures echoing the architectural elements of the monasteries were positioned between the columns. These structures acted as portals to XR experiences and multimedia content, providing depth to the narrative and allowing visitors to explore the artistic, cultural, and political intricacies of these sacred sites.

Monolithic LED displays highlighted additional aspects of the monasteries’ heritage.

Following its presentation at UNESCO, the exhibition was also set up at the Cultural Center of Serbia in Paris.
Concept / Exhibition Design:
Marko Todorovic
Project Duration:
3 months
Exhibition Site:
Hall Ségur, UNESCO, Paris
Ministry of Culture, Serbia