

Mreža integrisanih multimedijalnih sadržaja projektovanih na granicama fizičkog i digitalnog sveta. Kreiran kao struktura za razvoj i istraživanje virtuelnih prostornih narativa, Holograd pruža odgovor na izazove upotrebe inovativnih rešenja u percepciji i oblikovanju stvarnosti. Obogatite stvarnost … /><\

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New Realities

The reality nowadays can not be easily distinguished as just physical objects and virtual – computer generated worlds. New technologies have enabled, not only collection, usage and organization of digital data but more importantly, their penetration into physical reality.
The new digital overlay serves as the constituent of the emerging infinite interface and the penetration of mixed reality into everyday life and communication. The special place at the so called reality scale, is taken by Augmented Reality – a new medium that can integrate all other media with potential to become a dominant media of 21st century.

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