
Work Tagged ‘Graphic Design’

Tesla & Pupin

Director: Marko Todorović
Production: LiveViewStudio

U saradnji sa Obrazovno istraživačkim društvom Mihajlo Pupin i pod pokroviteljstvom Raiffeisen banke, realizovali smo izložbu Tesla i Pupin na istom putu. Ova putujuća interaktivna postavka predstavlja svojevrstan nastavak velike izložbe o Mihajlu Pupinu realizovane 2015. godine u Istorijskom muzeju Srbije.
Kao i za prethodnu izložbu, ideja je da se kroz upotrebu novih medija i savremenih tehnologija, na inovativan i zanimljiv način, javnosti predstave tačke susreta dva velika naučnika. Posetioci izložbe imaju priliku ne samo da upoznaju Teslu i Pupina, koji su značajnim pronalascima obeležili vreme u kom su živeli i stvarali, već i da dožive nova iskustva kroz konceptualna i tehnološka rešenja karakteristična za vreme koje je tek pred nama.

Novine FINAL

Postavku čini nekoliko interaktivnih izložbenih modula. Centralni eksponat je maketa laboratorije u Kolorado Springsu sa 3D štampanom figurom Nikole Tesle koja oživljava pomoću augmented reality aplikacije. Animacija u proširenoj stvarnosti, osim što predstavlja veoma kvalitetnu digitalnu rekonstrukciju Nikole Tesle i neke od njegovih značajnih misli, anticipira način na koji će se u bliskoj budućnosti integrisati digitalna i fizička stvarnost u svakodnevnom životu. Pored makete su moduli, inspirisani kutijama za transport vrednih eksponata, čija unutrašnjost kroz tekstove, citate, fotografije, ilustracije i multimedijalne informacije u proširenoj stvarnosti, predstavlja sadržaj izložbe.




Scena u kojoj se animirani model Nikole Tesle pojavljuje i obraća posetiocima u proširenoj stvarnosti, a zatim seda na stolicu koja se nalazi na maketi, referiše na čuvenu fotografiju Nikole Tesle u njegovoj laboratoriji u Kolorado Springsu. Objekat kao marker za aktivaciju sadržaja u proširenoj stvarnosti i mapiranje makete, kako bi animirani model ostvario preciznu interakciju sa fizičkim objektima, predstavljaju paradigmu primene ovog uzbudljivog novog medija u integraciji fizičke i digitalne stvarnosti.

Concept, Exhibition Design, AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Exhibition Site:
Historical Museum of Serbia, Belgrade
Project Phases:
Planning, realisation and operation
Project Duration:
6 months
1 November 2016
Exhibition Duration:
1 month
Exhibition Area:
120 m²
Raiffeisen Bank

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Pupin’s Science

“Pupinova nauka” (Pupin’s Science) is an exhibition dedicated to Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin (1858 – 1935) a Serbian-American physicist, best known for devising means of greatly extending the range of long-distance telephone communication by placing loading coils of wire at predetermined intervals along the transmitting wire – known as “pupinization”.

The exhibition design is inspired by the very process of his scientific work at the end of 19th century and the laboratory setting with 5 boxes and artificial line used to prove the pupinization principle. Each of the boxes highlighting different aspects of his work is digitally enhanced through multimedia content available in Augmented Reality.
Using mixed reality approach, the exhibition aims to create a new interface that will encourage interaction and engagement and thus promote Pupin’s work to new and diverse audience.

Za Obrazovno istraživačko društvo Mihajlo Pupin smo realizovali izložbu Pupinova nauka. Postavka je inspirisana laboratorijskom aparaturom (5 kutija sa kalemovima) pomoću koje je Mihajlo Pupin krajem devetnaestog veka eksperimentalno dokazao mogućnost telegrafskog i telefonskog prenosa na velike daljine, što je osnova procesa koji je kasnije nazvan “pupinizacija”. Svaka kutija sadrži po nekoliko značajnih segmenata Pupinovog naučnog dela, kao i mnoge druge zanimljive činjenice predstavljene kroz digitalnu nadgradnju u proširenoj stvarnosti.

Concept, Exhibition Design, AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Exhibition Site:
Gallery of Matica Srpska, Novi Sad
Project Phases:
Planning, realisation and operation
Project Duration:
3 months
16 April 2015
Exhibition Duration:
1 month
ER Society Mihajlo Pupin



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Exhibition “Pupin / From Physical to Spiritual Reality” represents the biggest overview of Michael Pupin’s life and work. For the first time, interactive new media solutions (using augmented reality, virtual reality, motion tracking, voice recognition …) were implemented at this scale; Conceived, designed, and implemented by LiveViewStudio, with a unique combination of physical and virtual elements, Pupin’s life and science work could be explored in new, educative and fun way.

Za Istorijski muzej Srbije smo kreirali izložbu “Pupin / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti” koja predstavlja sveobuhvatni pregled života i dela Mihajla Pupina. Dizajn izložbe, sa brojnim interaktivnim instalacijama, razvili smo sa idejom da posetioce pretvorimo u aktivne učesnike postavke koji kroz inovativna rešenja upoznaju ne samo značajne pronalaske i dela iz prošlosti već i uzbudljive tehnologije budućnosti.


Our aim was to create an edutainment experience turning passive observers into active participants, that in addition to communicating the subject of exhibition introduces the visitor to new and exciting technologies and media of the future …


Turning a page of a giant book, a visual metaphor of his most important literary works, triggers the appearance of animated Michael Pupin and his welcome words …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Okretanjem lista gigantske knjige, koja predstavlja vizuelnu metaforu njegovog najznačajnijeg književnog dela, posetioci aktiviraju uvodnu reč Mihajla Pupina u proširenoj stvarnosti …


Numerous exhibits through out the exhibition are overlaid with digital content. By pointing their phone at the window of designed house, visitors can trigger 360 VR/AR experience of his childhood home, or a village church where he was baptized – triggered by the exhibited book.
Additionally, images and other exhibits throughout exhibition space, are overlaid with interesting stories from Pupin’s life told by highend digital reconstruction of Michale Pupin  …

Augmented Reality aplikacija za IOS i Android, realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
U okviru postavke su izloženi brojni eksponati sa digitalnom nadgradnjom u proširenoj stvarnosti. Pomoću AR aplikacije Pupin, posetioci imaju mogućnost da kroz prozor stilizovane kuće aktiviraju 360 AR/VR i upoznaju njegovu rodnu kuću, kao i crkvu u kojoj je kršten (preko krštenice izložene u vitrini), čuju reči njegove make itd. Takođe, na brojnim fotografijama i drugim eksponatima je moguće otkriti vernu digitalnu rekonstrukciju i animaciju Mihajla Pupina sa zanimljivim pričama iz različitih perioda njegovog života …


Interactive space installation symbolizes Pupin’s arrival to America on a migrant ship Westphalia and his first encounter with New York.
Using motion sensor, the large scale projection mapped over the New York backdrop is activated by user’s movement …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Instalacija simbolizuje putovanje Mihajla Pupina brodom Westphalia i prvi susret sa New Yorkom. Posetioci imaju mogućnost da se popnu na stilizovani brod i svojim fizičkim prisustvom aktiviraju mapiranu projekciju …


X-ray installation presents the scientist’s contribution in medical application of X-ray. Using kinect sensor the 3d model of skeleton is adjusted to user movement. Additionally, users can trigger audio guides by pressing buttons …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Pomoću “motion tracking” tehnologije, koja posetiocima omogućava da svojim pokretima pomeraju skelet i aktiviraju audio legendu, instalacija na simboličan način predstavlja doprinos Mihajla Pupina praktičnoj primeni X zraka …


Pupinisation is an interactive space installation dedicated to his work in telecommunication that brought revolution in long distance telephony. The setup uses an old 1900 phone, where we integrated microphone and speaker, and large scale projection. When user is detected, the phone rings, and the user is invited to say something. Using speech api, the spoken words are integrated in animation in real time and projected on large scale screen. The aim was to visually interpret the scientific contribution to long distance telephony …

Interaktivne prostorne instalacije realizovane u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Segment postavke koji predstavlja Pupinov kalem, kao njegov najpoznatiji pronalazak, sastoji se od nekoliko interaktivnih instalacija.
Augmented reality maketa sa britvom zabodenom u komad zemlje omogućava da, uz pomoć aplikacije, čujete priču iz detinjstva kao inspiraciju i prva saznanja na temu prostiranja zvučnih talasa.
Najveća interaktivna prostorna instalacija simbolički predstavlja praktičnu primenu Pupinovog kalema odnosno mogućnost prenosa telefonskog signala na velike udaljenosti. Telefon sa početka 20. veka će reagovati na vaše prisustvo, a zatim ćete imati mogućnost da vidite kako vaše reči putuju …
Druga AR instalacija, kroz animaciju Mihajla Pupina, predstavlja njegove reči i razmišljanja vezana za ovaj značajni pronalazak …


Using augmented reality glasses, visitors can discover the meaning of illustrated patents and the significance Pupin’s mathematical work had for different inventions throughout the 20th century …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Posetioci imaju mogućnost da, upotrebom Augmented Reality naočara, otkriju šta predstavljaju ilustrovani patenti i koji značajni pronalasci su, kasnije u toku 20. veka, nastali kao rezultat Pupinovih matematičkih dokaza …


Within the segment dedicated to Pupin’s work at Columbia University, visitors have the opportunity to attend a lecture by Professor Pupin in augmented reality, as well as to meet its most important students. The projection on a specially constructed canvas, represent an press archive of Mihajlo Pupin …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija, realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
U okviru segmenta postavke koji predstavlja Pupinov rad na Kolumbija univerzitetu, posetioci imaju mogućnost da prisustvuju predavanju profesora Pupina u proširenoj stvarnosti, kao i da upoznaju njegove najznačajnije učenike. Projekcija na konstrukciji sa platnom predstavlja arhivu štampanih medija u kojima se pojavljivao Mihajlo Pupin …


Using motion tracking and hand gesture technology the installations reperesenting Pupin’s literary work, allows users to flip the book pages just by waving their hand …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Pomoću “motion tracking” tehnologije, koja posetiocima omogućava da pokretom ruke listaju stranice knjige, instalacija predstavlja najznačajnija književna dela Mihajla Pupina …


Augmented reality periscope and a short animated movie are part of the segment dealing with Pupin’s national engagement and his scientific work for US army during WWI …

Augmented Reality periskop i kratki animirani film realizovan u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
U okviru segmenta postavke koji se odnosi na Prvi svetski rat predstavljen je Pupinov nacionalni angažman kao i naučni rad za američku vojsku …


Stars is an installation where a swing is used to create a large interactive starry sky. The swinging triggers animation where Pupin’s portrait is constructed followed with voice over with his thoughts …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Pupinove misli predstavljene kroz interaktivnu instalaciju sa ljuljaskom i projekcijom Kosmosa. Posetioci ljuljanjem aktiviraju eksploziju zvezde i animaciju Pupinovog lika …


Augmented reality game, introducing visitors to Banatske Shore – a local game similar to baseball …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Augmented reality igrica posetioce upoznaje sa igrom koja se zove Banatske šore …


Catalogue pages are enriched/overlayed with additional multimedia content that can be discovered with Pupin app …

Interaktivna monografija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Stranice monografije obogaćene su digitalnim sadržajem koji je moguće otkriti pomoću aplikacije Pupin u proširenoj stvarnosti …


Concept, Exhibition Design, AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Exhibition Site:
Historical Museum of Serbia, Belgrade
Project Phases:
Planning, realisation and operation
Project Duration:
9 months
24 September 2015
Exhibition Duration:
16 months
Exhibition Area:
2000 m²
Historical Musem of Serbia




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IxD for Serbia 1914


A contemporary museum project dedicated to the First World War centenary. The introductory part of the exhibition has been designed with the aim of representing the so called “bell époque” and the dynamic growth of Serbian society in the field of politics, culture and economy at the beginning of the 20th century. Using geolocation and augmented reality, the Srbija 1914 app enables the museum exhibition to spread over streets of Belgrade presenting historical facts at places of their origin, making stories more contextual and encouraging immersion into the past.
The “Treasure Hunt” takes users to various points in the city where they can unlock the content and receive the coupon for a free gift ticket at the museum. When at one of the locations the app recognizes the environment and displays multimedia information. When in front of the National Theatre users may see a poster for the opera and listen to the opera played at the theatre 100 years ago, or discover an image of the Prime Minister of the time at the place where he actually rejected the Austria-Hungary’s ultimatum to Serbia.

At the museum itself, numerous exhibits are enriched with virtual information: 3D animations, videos, sounds, digital legends…Using latest tracking technologies and 3D mapping / object recognition, old gramophone is augmented with an animated 3D character telling the story about Belgrade’s development at the beginning of 20th century. Also, one of the most attractive interactive installation is the map of Europe, overlaid with 3D animations presenting important battles in 1914 …

First war aircraft and the armored vehicles are presented through augmented reality dioramas.

Throughout the exhibition catalogue pages are overlaid with interactive content in augmented reality. Within the workshop and children’s program there are also AR coloring books.

Concept, AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Exhibition Site:
Historical Museum of Serbia, Belgrade
Project Phases:
Planning, realisation and operation
Project Duration:
3 months
15 September 2014
Exhibition Duration:
6 months
Historical Museum of Serbia


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Financed by EU Commission, the project “TECHCOOLTOUR: Augmented Reality for Roman and Byzantine itineraries” aims to promote two historical trans-national EU cultural routes exploiting developed ICT tools and exploring new media potential in presentation of historical heritage.

The Techcooltour cross media platform represents an innovative approach that brings together traditional and new media in presentation of archeological sites, bridging the gap between physical and digital in order to enable memorable, interactive and novel experience to the visitors.

Retracing the history of influences, objectives and developments of two great empires Roman and Byzantine, which shaped the cultural landscape of Europe, the project aims at defining a common thread that links places and regions and helps represent the richness and uniqueness of European cultural identity.

Mobile app. Techcooltour, enables the visitors to use their mobile phones as pocket sized screens through which surrounding spaces become stages for extra information. Depending on their location users may find information on 40 archeological locations, spread over 4 countries layered over the camera live-view and access additional information such as images, stories and routes to the sites. The information on locations, available through Augmented Reality view reinforces the idea of wider context within each of the sites should be understood, and thus appreciated.

Twelve archeological location are marked with interactive info boards that act as markers for augmented reality content, such as 3d reconstructions, videos, virtual guides, 360 degree panoramas and so on. The 12 archeological sites themselves, and the interpretative AR layers are specifically chosen to clearly communicate the advantages AR introduces in different contexts.


Interactive experience is further extended through interactive brochures and map, and also website offering in depth information on more then 40 historical sites.

Home page map is a symbolic presentation of the Augmented Reality use in promotion of cultural heritage. Go to, drag the phone illustration over the pins and discover additional information on Roman or Byzantine sites and corresponding interactive inboards …

Within the last part of the project we also developed app for augmented reality glasses.

The project was featured at:
AWE (Automotive and Tourism) – Santa Clara, California (June 2013)
6th International Congress Cultural Heritage – Athens, Greece (October 2013)
Digital Heritage Expo – Marseille, France (October 2013)
Museums and Web – Hong Kong, China (December 2013)


Marko Todorovic, Jana Rodic
AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Production Date:
2012 / 2013
Exhibition Sites:
Belgrade, Rijeka, Venice …
Project Phases:
Planning, realisation and operation
Project Duration:
12 months
Union Camere del Veneto
Regione Veneto
City of Rijeka
Archeological Museum of Istria
Museums and Galleries Ljubljana
Slovenian Chamber of Commerce
City of Rovinj
Urban Development Center
Marco Polo
EU Commission


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