
Work Tagged ‘Concept’


Financed by EU Commission, the project “TECHCOOLTOUR: Augmented Reality for Roman and Byzantine itineraries” aims to promote two historical trans-national EU cultural routes exploiting developed ICT tools and exploring new media potential in presentation of historical heritage.

The Techcooltour cross media platform represents an innovative approach that brings together traditional and new media in presentation of archeological sites, bridging the gap between physical and digital in order to enable memorable, interactive and novel experience to the visitors.

Retracing the history of influences, objectives and developments of two great empires Roman and Byzantine, which shaped the cultural landscape of Europe, the project aims at defining a common thread that links places and regions and helps represent the richness and uniqueness of European cultural identity.

Mobile app. Techcooltour, enables the visitors to use their mobile phones as pocket sized screens through which surrounding spaces become stages for extra information. Depending on their location users may find information on 40 archeological locations, spread over 4 countries layered over the camera live-view and access additional information such as images, stories and routes to the sites. The information on locations, available through Augmented Reality view reinforces the idea of wider context within each of the sites should be understood, and thus appreciated.

Twelve archeological location are marked with interactive info boards that act as markers for augmented reality content, such as 3d reconstructions, videos, virtual guides, 360 degree panoramas and so on. The 12 archeological sites themselves, and the interpretative AR layers are specifically chosen to clearly communicate the advantages AR introduces in different contexts.


Interactive experience is further extended through interactive brochures and map, and also website offering in depth information on more then 40 historical sites.

Home page map is a symbolic presentation of the Augmented Reality use in promotion of cultural heritage. Go to, drag the phone illustration over the pins and discover additional information on Roman or Byzantine sites and corresponding interactive inboards …

Within the last part of the project we also developed app for augmented reality glasses.

The project was featured at:
AWE (Automotive and Tourism) – Santa Clara, California (June 2013)
6th International Congress Cultural Heritage – Athens, Greece (October 2013)
Digital Heritage Expo – Marseille, France (October 2013)
Museums and Web – Hong Kong, China (December 2013)


Marko Todorovic, Jana Rodic
AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Production Date:
2012 / 2013
Exhibition Sites:
Belgrade, Rijeka, Venice …
Project Phases:
Planning, realisation and operation
Project Duration:
12 months
Union Camere del Veneto
Regione Veneto
City of Rijeka
Archeological Museum of Istria
Museums and Galleries Ljubljana
Slovenian Chamber of Commerce
City of Rovinj
Urban Development Center
Marco Polo
EU Commission


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Augmented Reality Packaging

We developed interactive packaging design for new frozen food line. Augmented reality app for iOS / Android devices enables users to discover inspiring video recipes layered over the packages …

As a part of the project we also produced beautifully shot videos introducing specially chosen recipes for each of the frozen fruits products …

Production: LiveViewStudio
Concept, AD, Photography, IxD: Marko Todorovic
Production Date: December 2013
Client: ITM





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Various AR Projects

Izmedju 2011. i 2013. godine realizovali smo brojne AR projekte …

Knjaz Milos App / Augmented Reality Game
Početkom 2012. godine smo razvili augmented reality igricu za mineralnu vodu Knjaz Miloš. Na flaši je, pomoću aplikacije za iOS i Android, bilo moguće aktivirati igricu u proširenoj stvarnosti …

Marko Todorovic
Production Date:
Communis DDB
Knjaz Milos

Cisco Expo 2012 / Augmented Reality Hostess
Za Cisco Expo 2012 smo realizovali AR aplikaciju pomoću koje su posetioci dobijali korisne informacije u proširenoj stvarnosti.

Marko Todorovic
Production Date:

Augmented Reality Cube Puzzle / Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana 2012. godine za postavku Dečijeg muzeja / Muzej nauke i tehnike Beograd

Concept, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Jana Rodic
Production Date:
Museum of Science and Technology Belgrade

Augmented Reality Giant Book / Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival 2012

Marko Todorovic
Production Date:
Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival

Augmented Reality presentation / TedxYouth Belgrade 2011

Marko Todorovic
Production Date:

Augmented Reality video wall / Sensation party 2011

Marko Todorovic
Production Date:

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MTS / Science Festival Belgrade

U okviru Festivala nauke, za kompaniju mts već nekoliko godina relizujemo interaktivne prostorne instalacije …


KOSMODROM / Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana za mts na Festivalu nauke 2012

LiveViewStudio was approached by MTS, regional telecommunication company, to design an interactive space installation dedicated to history of space explorations. The installation was to be shown during the annual Science Festival in Belgrade. The challenge was to design a solution that would attract an audience, foster interactivity and promote the MTS brand as an innovator. The solution proposed by LiveViewStudio was to design an interactive AR installation encompasing four different elements:
1. Interactive Portal – Augmented Reality Window
We used the outdoor advertising and augmented reality to bring to life the ad on the shop window, and intrigue the visitors in the days before the festival. When viewed with smartphone and augmented reality app the print triggered the animation of astronaut with the audio from Apollo landing.



2. Kosmodrom – Augmented Reality Cube Puzzle
Cube puzzle is an interactive installation where children assemble a puzzle, which through computer vision and augmented reality triggers 3D animations of iconic scenes from the history of space explorations. The puzzle represents a part of LVS’s larger interest in connecting the analog and the digital, and creating novel experiences where interactions in the real world (real-world interactions) have their virtual consequences. The interactive puzzle consists of 9 cubes that can create 6 different pictures. Each picture, when assembled, comes alive triggering a 3D animation dedicated to one of the milestones in the exploration of Space. Scenes such as the Apollo landing, black hole or first space travel. By rotating the cubes, or using the magic hand children can trigger different interactive scenarios.
3. Greetings from Space – Augmented Reality Coloring Postcards
During the festival, one of the exhibition elements that drew significant attention of visitors, and especially children were interactive AR Coloring Postcards. Filling the pattern on the postcard users would create the marker and using theit mobile phones discover different 3d animations.


4. Augmented Reality T-shirt
As in every space exploration, there were hidden dangers. Kosmodrom crew members had T-shirts triggering iconic scene from the movie Alien and chestburster animation.

Production: LiveViewStudio
Concept, AD, IxD: Marko Todorovic
Production Date: December 2012
Client: MTS



VIZION:AR / Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana za mts na Festivalu nauke 2011

We produced an interactive installation for mobile operator mt:s at Science Festival Belgrade 2011, showcasing different possibilities for education introduced by Augmented Reality. Using image and face tracking, as well as mobile AR, the installation offered visitors an opportunity to experience different aspects of AR, in fun and entertaining way.
The installation consisted of a giant book in which usual school subjects such as history, geography or science were presented with an AR twist. At the same time spatial signage and science safety symbols made visitors play the discovery game by pointing their phones at various signs pasted on the walls to uncover their meanings and hidden informations.
The idea of the exhibition, as well as more general thoughts on AR were presented to visitors using face tracking.

Kao deo šireg projekta VIZION:AR, cilj postavke je anticipacija koncepta primene proširene stvarnosti u obrazovanju. Stranice interaktivnog gigantskog udžbenika, koje predstavljaju biologiju, fiziku, istoriju i geografiju, su obogaćene multimedijalnim sadržajem u proširenoj stvarnosti. Segment postavke koji je izazvao veliku pažnju su interaktivne majice. Uz pomoć mobilnog telefona, posetioci su na promoterkama mogli da otkriju video snimke sa informacijama o generalnom sponzoru manifestacije. Takođe, autor projekta Marko Todorović je posetiocima na veoma neobičan način predstavio osnovnu ideju postavke. Za više informacija pogledajte video …

Production: LiveViewStudio
Concept, AD, IxD: Marko Todorovic
Production Date: December 2011
Client: MTS



PRONAĐI DUŠU U MAŠINAMA / Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana za mts na Festivalu nauke 2015

Za Festival nauke 2015 smo realizovali postavku posvećenu Mihajlu Pupinu, odnosno njegovim pronalascima i profesorskom radu. Bočni zidovi objekta su predstavljali njegove najznačajnije patente, odnosno markere za aktivaciju animacije Mihajla Pupina u proširenoj stvarnosti dok je centralnu poziciju zauzimala interaktivna instalacija koja na simboličan način predstavlja doprinos Mihajla Pupina praktičnoj primeni X zraka. Pomoću “motion tracking” tehnologije, posetioci su imali mogućnost da svojim pokretima pomeraju skelet i aktiviraju audio legendu …


Production: LiveViewStudio
Concept, AD, IxD: Marko Todorovic
Production Date: December 2015
Client: MTS

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Portrait of The King


“Portrait of The King” is an interactive AR installation produced for permanent exhibition in the Memorial Room of the House of King Peter I in Belgrade, Serbia. The Memorial Room is part of a newly established cultural centre situated in a 19th century villa in which King Peter I Karadjordjevic lived after WWI.

King Peter I of Serbia reigned from 1904 to 1918. While he spent most of his life in exile as a result of dynastic disputes, during his short reign “Serbia and its king experienced all the glory and ordeals of history”. King Peter I was immensely popular throughout his reign and remains one of the Western Balkans most popular leaders. The house where he lived was declared a museum dedicated to his life almost a century ago, but its turbulent history has rendered most of the artefacts destroyed or lost.



Augmented reality was chosen to address the limitations brought by the inability to adequately display the remaining historical artefacts, but also to reflect, on the conceptual level, the ascetic lifestyle of King Peter. The interactive installation is based on a large-scale mosaic comprising several hundred photographs gathered from various national institutions and numerous private collections. The photographs portraying the King throughout his life, his family, his friends, his army, but also other important contemporaries that represent Serbia and the time in which he lived. Images are designed and positioned to build a large scale mosaic, forming a historical portrait of King Peter I of Serbia. Through Augmented Reality the portrait doubles as a platform for additional multimedia elements offering overlayed realities and new interpretative content as part of the experience. When viewed through junaio-powered iPads, various parts of the portrait are triggering new layered images and stories highlighting different aspects of the King’s life. By using iPads or iPhone/Android smartphones visitors can also see one of the first ever motion picture portrayals of Serbia (the crowning of King Peter) from 1904 in AR view, as well as a digital replica of the original crown. As new photographs and documents of the King’s life are found they will be built into the portrait, forming new “markers” and as a result triggering new historical narratives within a new spatial realm.
A contemporary approach in exhibition design offers an innovative museum experience, while the interactivity, introduced by augmented reality, engages visitors in an authentic way enabling them to become actively involved.


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