
Work Tagged ‘Animation’

… en danger

The exhibition dedicated to Serbian cultural heritage sites inscribed on the UNESCO List of World Heritage in Danger—the monasteries of Dečani, Gračanica, and the Patriarchate of Peć, as well as the Church of the Virgin of Ljeviša in Prizren—was held at the UNESCO headquarters to mark the 20th anniversary of the inclusion of the Visoki Dečani Monastery on the UNESCO World Heritage List, recognizing its outstanding universal value.

Изложба посвећена српским културним добрима са Листе светске баштине у опасности – манастирима Дечани, Грачаница и Пећка патријаршија, као и цркви Богородице Љевишке у Призрену, одржана је у седишту УНЕСКО поводом обележавања 20 година од уписа манастира Високи Дечани на Листу светске баштине културних добара од изузетног значаја за човечанство.

Blending visual arts and technology, the exhibition offers a transmedia exploration of cultural history, serving as a compelling metaphor for the delicate balance between the physical and spiritual realms. By inviting visitors to interact with digitally enhanced exhibits, featuring figurative representations of architecture and wall paintings, the exhibition fosters a deeper understanding of both the significance and the current endangered status of these four cultural and historical landmarks.

Кроз спој визуелне уметности и савремене технологије креирали смо трансмедијално истраживање културне историје као својеврсну метафору деликатне равнотеже између физичке и духовне стварности. Уводеђи посетиоце изложбе у интеракцију са дигитално обогаћеним експонатима који представљају стилизовану спољашњост и унутрашњост, односно архитектуру и зидно сликарство, створили смо специфичну везу са циљем бољег разумевања значаја, као и тренутног стања угрожености четири културно историјска добра …

Through a subtle design intervention, the columns of Hall Ségur were transformed into abstract representations of birds, carrying scrolls that prominently displayed important historical document, the Dečani charters.

Positioned below the scroll, floor pedestals showcased monasteries architecture using point cloud particle animations. This technique transformed physical structures into ethereal, light-based representations, evoking the spirituality and vulnerability of these sites. The intersection of tangible and digital realms invited visitors to engage deeply with the monasteries’ histories in an innovative and reflective format.

Vertical structures echoing the architectural elements of the monasteries were positioned between the columns. These structures acted as portals to XR experiences and multimedia content, providing depth to the narrative and allowing visitors to explore the artistic, cultural, and political intricacies of these sacred sites.

Monolithic LED displays highlighted additional aspects of the monasteries’ heritage.

Following its presentation at UNESCO, the exhibition was also set up at the Cultural Center of Serbia in Paris.

Concept / Exhibition Design:
Marko Todorovic
Project Duration:
3 months
Exhibition Site:
Hall Ségur, UNESCO, Paris
Ministry of Culture, Serbia

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U saradnji sa JU Muzeji i galerije Budve, a pod pokroviteljstvom Turističke organizacije Budve, realizovali smo projekat Virtuelni muzej Budve.
Osmislili smo i kreirali izložbene elemente i multimedijalne sadržaje koji su, pomoću aplikacije Holograd, digitalne platforme za oblikovanje stvarnosti kroz interakciju sa fizičkim objektima, obogatili znamenitosti u javnim prostorima grada Budve kao i određene eksponate u okviru stalne postavke Muzeja grada Budve.

In collaboration with the Public Institution Museums and Galleries of Budva, and under the patronage of the Tourist Organization of Budva, we have successfully executed the project “Virtual Museum of Budva.”
We have meticulously conceived and produced exhibition elements and multimedia content to, leveraging Holograd —a digital platform for shaping reality through dynamic interaction with physical objects, enhance the prominence of landmarks within the public spaces of Budva, along with specific exhibits within the Museum’s permanent exhibition.

Tokom kreativnog procesa, uočili smo da grafički prikaz Starog grada na mapama asocira na glavu bika / vola, što je zanimljiva koincidencija sa legendom o nastanku grada Budve ( naziv potiče od reči koja na grčkom znači vo ), tako da smo upravo tu formu sa pojednostavljenim prikazom topografskih elemenata izdvojili kao značajan vizuelni motiv koji predstavlja projekat. Oko bika, odnosno Holograd simbol, se nalazi na poziciji Muzeja grada Budve …

During the creative process, we observed that the graphic representation of the Old Town on maps evokes the head of a bull/ox, which intriguingly coincides with the legend of the origin of the city of Budva (its name deriving from the Greek word for ox). Thus, we have singled out this form with a simplified representation of topographic elements as a significant visual motif representing the project. With the bull’s eye and Holograd symbol marking the position of the Museum of Budva…

Za stalnu postavku Muzeja grada Budve kreirali smo interaktivni mural i tri izložbene ploče sa ilustracijama koje predstavljaju osnovu za virtuelne vitrine u mešovitoj stvarnosti …

For the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Budva, we have designed an interactive mural and three display panels with illustrations serving as the foundation for virtual display cabinets in mixed reality…

Mural predstavlja grafičku stilizaciju značajnih eksponata koji kroz Holograd aktiviraju animiranu interpretaciju Kadma, osnivača grada Budve. 

The mural itself depicts a graphically stylized representation of significant exhibits that, when activated through Holograd, bring to life an animated interpretation of Cadmus, the founder of the city of Budva.

Virtuelne vitrine smo kreirali kao odgovor na izazov adekvatnog predstavljanja značajnih eksponata koji su prilikom arheoloških iskopavanja pronađeni u Budvi, ali se iz različitih razloga ne nalaze u Muzeju grada Budve …

Virtual cabinets specifically tackle the challenge of effectively presenting noteworthy exhibits discovered in Budva during archaeological excavations. These exhibits, for various reasons, are not currently housed in the museum

Grafička rešenja, koja aktiviraju virtuelne vitrine, su u okviru stalne postavke aplicirana na namenski izrađene kamene i metalne ploče što dodatno podiže stepen vizuelne atrakcije. Takođe su, kao deo prateće brošure, predstavljena u formi interaktivnog postera …

The graphic solutions activating the virtual cabinets have been applied to specially crafted stone and metal panels, thereby elevating the visual appeal. Additionally, these solutions are showcased in an accompanying brochure, presented in the form of an interactive poster…

Važan segment projekta predstavljaju multimedijalni sadržaji koje smo aplicirali na znamenitosti grada Budve i obogatili stvarnost u novom prostornom domenu …

A pivotal element of the project revolves around the integration of multimedia content onto the landmarks of Budva, elevating and enriching the reality within this new spatial domain

Inspirisani detaljima na eksponatima arheološke zbirke kreirali smo virtuelne maske i zakopali ih u digitalnom svetu integrisanom sa ostacima antičke arhitekture … 

Nekropolu, rimski žrtvenik, glavni ulaz u Stari grad  i još nekoliko značajnih spomenika kulture smo obogatili multimedijalnim sadržajem u mešovitoj stvarnosti.

The necropolis, Roman sacrificial altar, main entrance to the Old Town, and several other significant cultural monuments have been enriched with multimedia content in mixed reality.

Concept, Art Direction, Interactive Design:
Marko Todorovic
Project Duration:
3 months
Exhibition Site:
Budva Museum / Budva Old Town
November 2023

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Glagolitic IxBook

Za buduću stalnu postavku Istorijskog muzeja Srbije realizovali smo interaktivnu knjigu posvećenu tragovima srpske pismenosti i glagoljice u manastiru Svete Ekaterine na Sinaju …

We created an interactive book dedicated to the traces of Serbian literacy and Glagolitic script in the monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai…

LiveViewStudio’s interactive books present a novel media experience that combines haptic and virtual elements. The concept is both simple and innovative: physical books with pages that can be turned, accompanied by simultaneous virtual animations, vivid images, and dynamic content triggered by the touch of a finger. This amalgamation of analog and digital on the pages of the books creates a captivating and enchanting encounter that has captured the interest of visitors of various ages and has opened new possibilities of interactive storytelling. 

The multimedia-enriched book, showcased at the Historical Museum of Serbia, effectively render the heritage tangible, appealing to all the senses of the readers. The interaction with these books is a seamless and immersive experience as readers engage with the content by simply turning and touching the pages. The approach preserves the authenticity of the original physical book while simultaneously transcending traditional methods of digital reproduction. The elaborate supporting technology intentionally remains in the background – hidden inside the ceiling and concealed in the pedestal beneath the book. In this way, the Glagolitic script continues to hold its historical significance and cultural relevance, converging harmoniously with the digital world of the 21st century.

The integration of haptic interactivity opens up new possibilities for storytelling. Through touch, readers can delve deeper into the narrative, enhancing the overall content delivery. The more engaging the interaction with the intelligent object becomes, the more captivating the conveyed content becomes.

While interactive books may never become mass-produced commodities due to their intricate and unique nature, they hold tremendous promise in the realm of education, cultural preservation, and engaging storytelling. The power of touch, combined with IoT, redefines the boundaries of print, offering a truly remarkable and unforgettable experience answering the need of new audiences across ages, themes, and subjects.

Concept, AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Exhibition Site:
Historical Museum of Serbia

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Budva Monasteries

U saradnji sa JU Muzeji i galerije Budve, a pod pokroviteljstvom Turističke organizacije Budve, realizovali smo izložbu Budvanski manastiri na raskršću milenijuma, čiji su autori Marko Kentera i mr Lucija Đurašković …

Tokom procesa realizacije osmislili smo i kreirali raznovrsne elemente postavke. Pored klasičnih i 360 fotografskih / video snimaka proizvedenih za potrebe različitih segmenata projekta, tradicionalnim tehnikama su naslikani murali, odnosno ilustracije koje predstavljaju stilizaciju manastirskih objekata, tlocrta i pejzaža sa karakterističnim motivima.  Originalne ikone u okviru postavke su uklopljene u apstraktnu linijsku predstavu perspektive koja je dizajnirana kao vizuelna metafora savremenosti, dok su od reprodukcija fragmenata fresaka kroz geometrijske forme naglašeni detalji i oblikovane zidne kompozicije sa ciljem stvaranja novog vizuelnog doživljaja.
Najveću specifičnost ove izložbe svakako predstavlja dodatni sadržaj koji posetioci, pomoću aplikacije Holograd, otkrivaju u proširenoj i virtuelnoj stvarnosti. Praktično svi eksponati su digitalno obogaćeni i pretvoreni u svojevrsne nosače informacija koji pružaju mogućnost multimedijalne komunikacije sa posmatračem …

Promotivni materijali su takođe digitalno obogaćeni, dok brošura izložbe, pored interaktivnih korica, sadrži i ručno izrađen keramički element koji predstavlja postament za animaciju konstruisanja odnosno izrastanja karakteristične arhitektonske forme u proširenoj stvarnosti, kao i mogućnost sagledavanja unutrašnjosti crkve u virtuelnoj stvarnosti.

Concept, Exhibition Design, AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Project Duration:
3 months
Exhibition Site:
“Jovo Ivanovic” Modern Gallery, Budva
“Marko Krstov Gregovic” Gallery, Petrovac
June 2023

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Pod pokroviteljstvom kompanije m:tel kreirali smo digitalnu nadgradnju zastave u proširenoj stvarnosti. Multimedijalni sadržaj koji predstavlja neke od znamenitih ličnosti srpske kulture, na zastavi je moguće aktivirati pomoću aplikacije m:universe, koju smo razvili za iOS i Android. Aplikacija takođe omogućava da u prostoru crtate ili pišete u bojama zastave …

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