Za grad Kranj smo razvili augmented reality aplikaciju koja kroz geolokacijski vodič predstavlja znamenitosti ovog šarmantnog mesta u Sloveniji. Digitalna rekonstrukcija Stuba srama, animacija Franca Prešerena i video snimci integrisani u objekte, samo su neki od sadržaja koji se u proširenoj stvarnosti pojavljuju na ulicama Kranja …
Production: LiveViewStudio Production Date: December 2015 Client: Bureau for Tourism Kranj
A contemporary museum project dedicated to the First World War centenary. The introductory part of the exhibition has been designed with the aim of representing the so called “bell époque” and the dynamic growth of Serbian society in the field of politics, culture and economy at the beginning of the 20th century. Using geolocation and augmented reality, the Srbija 1914 app enables the museum exhibition to spread over streets of Belgrade presenting historical facts at places of their origin, making stories more contextual and encouraging immersion into the past. The “Treasure Hunt” takes users to various points in the city where they can unlock the content and receive the coupon for a free gift ticket at the museum. When at one of the locations the app recognizes the environment and displays multimedia information. When in front of the National Theatre users may see a poster for the opera and listen to the opera played at the theatre 100 years ago, or discover an image of the Prime Minister of the time at the place where he actually rejected the Austria-Hungary’s ultimatum to Serbia.
At the museum itself, numerous exhibits are enriched with virtual information: 3D animations, videos, sounds, digital legends…Using latest tracking technologies and 3D mapping / object recognition, old gramophone is augmented with an animated 3D character telling the story about Belgrade’s development at the beginning of 20th century. Also, one of the most attractive interactive installation is the map of Europe, overlaid with 3D animations presenting important battles in 1914 …
First war aircraft and the armored vehicles are presented through augmented reality dioramas.
Throughout the exhibition catalogue pages are overlaid with interactive content in augmented reality. Within the workshop and children’s program there are also AR coloring books.
Production: LiveViewStudio Concept, AD, IxD: Marko Todorovic Exhibition Site: Historical Museum of Serbia, Belgrade Project Phases: Planning, realisation and operation Project Duration: 3 months Opening: 15 September 2014 Exhibition Duration: 6 months Client: Historical Museum of Serbia
U okviru izložbe Putevi hrane, osmislili smo i realizovali interaktivnu instalaciju koja predstavlja dekonstruisanu slavsku trpezu. Pomoću AR aplikacije i smart telefona posetioci su imali priliku da na izloženim eksponatima otkriju multimedijalnu nadgradnju i virtuelne legende u proširenoj stvarnosti. Oval, lopar, tanjir i poklopac su kroz video zapise predstavili neke od običaja karakterističnih za srpsku kuhinju, dok je u drugom delu postavke posetioce pozdravljao animirani zdravičar.
Production: LiveViewStudio Concept, AD, IxD: Marko Todorovic Jana Rodic Production Date: November 2014 Exhibition Site: Cultural Center of Serbia, Paris Ethnographic Museum, Belgrade Serbian Pavilion, Expo 2015, Milan Client: Ethnographic Museum
Za Jugoslovensku inoteku smo, u okviru izložbe “Srbi na filmu u Prvom svetskom ratu”, kreirali augmented reality mapu. Mapa predstavlja sedam lokacija na kojima su nastali filmski zapisi o značajnim događajima u Prvom svetskom ratu. Lokacije su obeležene fotografijama iz filmova koje (pomoću AR aplikacije za smart telefone) služe kao markeri za aktivaciju filmskih zapisa u proširenoj stvarnosti.
Production: LiveViewStudio Concept, AD, IxD: Marko Todorovic Production Date: May 2014 Exhibition Site: Yugoslav Film Archive, Belgrade Client: Yugoslav Film Archive
We developed design and augmented reality experience for exhibition dedicated to famous Serbian poet Milos Crnjanski.
Production: LiveViewStudio Concept, AD, IxD: Marko Todorovic Production Date: September 2014 Exhibition Site: Cultural Center of Serbia, Paris Client: National Library of Serbia