
Work Tagged ‘Exhibition Design’

Pupin’s Science

“Pupinova nauka” (Pupin’s Science) is an exhibition dedicated to Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin (1858 – 1935) a Serbian-American physicist, best known for devising means of greatly extending the range of long-distance telephone communication by placing loading coils of wire at predetermined intervals along the transmitting wire – known as “pupinization”.

The exhibition design is inspired by the very process of his scientific work at the end of 19th century and the laboratory setting with 5 boxes and artificial line used to prove the pupinization principle. Each of the boxes highlighting different aspects of his work is digitally enhanced through multimedia content available in Augmented Reality.
Using mixed reality approach, the exhibition aims to create a new interface that will encourage interaction and engagement and thus promote Pupin’s work to new and diverse audience.

Za Obrazovno istraživačko društvo Mihajlo Pupin smo realizovali izložbu Pupinova nauka. Postavka je inspirisana laboratorijskom aparaturom (5 kutija sa kalemovima) pomoću koje je Mihajlo Pupin krajem devetnaestog veka eksperimentalno dokazao mogućnost telegrafskog i telefonskog prenosa na velike daljine, što je osnova procesa koji je kasnije nazvan “pupinizacija”. Svaka kutija sadrži po nekoliko značajnih segmenata Pupinovog naučnog dela, kao i mnoge druge zanimljive činjenice predstavljene kroz digitalnu nadgradnju u proširenoj stvarnosti.

Concept, Exhibition Design, AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Exhibition Site:
Gallery of Matica Srpska, Novi Sad
Project Phases:
Planning, realisation and operation
Project Duration:
3 months
16 April 2015
Exhibition Duration:
1 month
ER Society Mihajlo Pupin



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Exhibition “Pupin / From Physical to Spiritual Reality” represents the biggest overview of Michael Pupin’s life and work. For the first time, interactive new media solutions (using augmented reality, virtual reality, motion tracking, voice recognition …) were implemented at this scale; Conceived, designed, and implemented by LiveViewStudio, with a unique combination of physical and virtual elements, Pupin’s life and science work could be explored in new, educative and fun way.

Za Istorijski muzej Srbije smo kreirali izložbu “Pupin / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti” koja predstavlja sveobuhvatni pregled života i dela Mihajla Pupina. Dizajn izložbe, sa brojnim interaktivnim instalacijama, razvili smo sa idejom da posetioce pretvorimo u aktivne učesnike postavke koji kroz inovativna rešenja upoznaju ne samo značajne pronalaske i dela iz prošlosti već i uzbudljive tehnologije budućnosti.


Our aim was to create an edutainment experience turning passive observers into active participants, that in addition to communicating the subject of exhibition introduces the visitor to new and exciting technologies and media of the future …


Turning a page of a giant book, a visual metaphor of his most important literary works, triggers the appearance of animated Michael Pupin and his welcome words …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Okretanjem lista gigantske knjige, koja predstavlja vizuelnu metaforu njegovog najznačajnijeg književnog dela, posetioci aktiviraju uvodnu reč Mihajla Pupina u proširenoj stvarnosti …


Numerous exhibits through out the exhibition are overlaid with digital content. By pointing their phone at the window of designed house, visitors can trigger 360 VR/AR experience of his childhood home, or a village church where he was baptized – triggered by the exhibited book.
Additionally, images and other exhibits throughout exhibition space, are overlaid with interesting stories from Pupin’s life told by highend digital reconstruction of Michale Pupin  …

Augmented Reality aplikacija za IOS i Android, realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
U okviru postavke su izloženi brojni eksponati sa digitalnom nadgradnjom u proširenoj stvarnosti. Pomoću AR aplikacije Pupin, posetioci imaju mogućnost da kroz prozor stilizovane kuće aktiviraju 360 AR/VR i upoznaju njegovu rodnu kuću, kao i crkvu u kojoj je kršten (preko krštenice izložene u vitrini), čuju reči njegove make itd. Takođe, na brojnim fotografijama i drugim eksponatima je moguće otkriti vernu digitalnu rekonstrukciju i animaciju Mihajla Pupina sa zanimljivim pričama iz različitih perioda njegovog života …


Interactive space installation symbolizes Pupin’s arrival to America on a migrant ship Westphalia and his first encounter with New York.
Using motion sensor, the large scale projection mapped over the New York backdrop is activated by user’s movement …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Instalacija simbolizuje putovanje Mihajla Pupina brodom Westphalia i prvi susret sa New Yorkom. Posetioci imaju mogućnost da se popnu na stilizovani brod i svojim fizičkim prisustvom aktiviraju mapiranu projekciju …


X-ray installation presents the scientist’s contribution in medical application of X-ray. Using kinect sensor the 3d model of skeleton is adjusted to user movement. Additionally, users can trigger audio guides by pressing buttons …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Pomoću “motion tracking” tehnologije, koja posetiocima omogućava da svojim pokretima pomeraju skelet i aktiviraju audio legendu, instalacija na simboličan način predstavlja doprinos Mihajla Pupina praktičnoj primeni X zraka …


Pupinisation is an interactive space installation dedicated to his work in telecommunication that brought revolution in long distance telephony. The setup uses an old 1900 phone, where we integrated microphone and speaker, and large scale projection. When user is detected, the phone rings, and the user is invited to say something. Using speech api, the spoken words are integrated in animation in real time and projected on large scale screen. The aim was to visually interpret the scientific contribution to long distance telephony …

Interaktivne prostorne instalacije realizovane u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Segment postavke koji predstavlja Pupinov kalem, kao njegov najpoznatiji pronalazak, sastoji se od nekoliko interaktivnih instalacija.
Augmented reality maketa sa britvom zabodenom u komad zemlje omogućava da, uz pomoć aplikacije, čujete priču iz detinjstva kao inspiraciju i prva saznanja na temu prostiranja zvučnih talasa.
Najveća interaktivna prostorna instalacija simbolički predstavlja praktičnu primenu Pupinovog kalema odnosno mogućnost prenosa telefonskog signala na velike udaljenosti. Telefon sa početka 20. veka će reagovati na vaše prisustvo, a zatim ćete imati mogućnost da vidite kako vaše reči putuju …
Druga AR instalacija, kroz animaciju Mihajla Pupina, predstavlja njegove reči i razmišljanja vezana za ovaj značajni pronalazak …


Using augmented reality glasses, visitors can discover the meaning of illustrated patents and the significance Pupin’s mathematical work had for different inventions throughout the 20th century …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Posetioci imaju mogućnost da, upotrebom Augmented Reality naočara, otkriju šta predstavljaju ilustrovani patenti i koji značajni pronalasci su, kasnije u toku 20. veka, nastali kao rezultat Pupinovih matematičkih dokaza …


Within the segment dedicated to Pupin’s work at Columbia University, visitors have the opportunity to attend a lecture by Professor Pupin in augmented reality, as well as to meet its most important students. The projection on a specially constructed canvas, represent an press archive of Mihajlo Pupin …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija, realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
U okviru segmenta postavke koji predstavlja Pupinov rad na Kolumbija univerzitetu, posetioci imaju mogućnost da prisustvuju predavanju profesora Pupina u proširenoj stvarnosti, kao i da upoznaju njegove najznačajnije učenike. Projekcija na konstrukciji sa platnom predstavlja arhivu štampanih medija u kojima se pojavljivao Mihajlo Pupin …


Using motion tracking and hand gesture technology the installations reperesenting Pupin’s literary work, allows users to flip the book pages just by waving their hand …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Pomoću “motion tracking” tehnologije, koja posetiocima omogućava da pokretom ruke listaju stranice knjige, instalacija predstavlja najznačajnija književna dela Mihajla Pupina …


Augmented reality periscope and a short animated movie are part of the segment dealing with Pupin’s national engagement and his scientific work for US army during WWI …

Augmented Reality periskop i kratki animirani film realizovan u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
U okviru segmenta postavke koji se odnosi na Prvi svetski rat predstavljen je Pupinov nacionalni angažman kao i naučni rad za američku vojsku …


Stars is an installation where a swing is used to create a large interactive starry sky. The swinging triggers animation where Pupin’s portrait is constructed followed with voice over with his thoughts …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Pupinove misli predstavljene kroz interaktivnu instalaciju sa ljuljaskom i projekcijom Kosmosa. Posetioci ljuljanjem aktiviraju eksploziju zvezde i animaciju Pupinovog lika …


Augmented reality game, introducing visitors to Banatske Shore – a local game similar to baseball …

Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Augmented reality igrica posetioce upoznaje sa igrom koja se zove Banatske šore …


Catalogue pages are enriched/overlayed with additional multimedia content that can be discovered with Pupin app …

Interaktivna monografija realizovana u okviru izložbe “PUPIN / Od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti”.
Stranice monografije obogaćene su digitalnim sadržajem koji je moguće otkriti pomoću aplikacije Pupin u proširenoj stvarnosti …


Concept, Exhibition Design, AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Exhibition Site:
Historical Museum of Serbia, Belgrade
Project Phases:
Planning, realisation and operation
Project Duration:
9 months
24 September 2015
Exhibition Duration:
16 months
Exhibition Area:
2000 m²
Historical Musem of Serbia




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MTS / Science Festival Belgrade

U okviru Festivala nauke, za kompaniju mts već nekoliko godina relizujemo interaktivne prostorne instalacije …


KOSMODROM / Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana za mts na Festivalu nauke 2012

LiveViewStudio was approached by MTS, regional telecommunication company, to design an interactive space installation dedicated to history of space explorations. The installation was to be shown during the annual Science Festival in Belgrade. The challenge was to design a solution that would attract an audience, foster interactivity and promote the MTS brand as an innovator. The solution proposed by LiveViewStudio was to design an interactive AR installation encompasing four different elements:
1. Interactive Portal – Augmented Reality Window
We used the outdoor advertising and augmented reality to bring to life the ad on the shop window, and intrigue the visitors in the days before the festival. When viewed with smartphone and augmented reality app the print triggered the animation of astronaut with the audio from Apollo landing.



2. Kosmodrom – Augmented Reality Cube Puzzle
Cube puzzle is an interactive installation where children assemble a puzzle, which through computer vision and augmented reality triggers 3D animations of iconic scenes from the history of space explorations. The puzzle represents a part of LVS’s larger interest in connecting the analog and the digital, and creating novel experiences where interactions in the real world (real-world interactions) have their virtual consequences. The interactive puzzle consists of 9 cubes that can create 6 different pictures. Each picture, when assembled, comes alive triggering a 3D animation dedicated to one of the milestones in the exploration of Space. Scenes such as the Apollo landing, black hole or first space travel. By rotating the cubes, or using the magic hand children can trigger different interactive scenarios.
3. Greetings from Space – Augmented Reality Coloring Postcards
During the festival, one of the exhibition elements that drew significant attention of visitors, and especially children were interactive AR Coloring Postcards. Filling the pattern on the postcard users would create the marker and using theit mobile phones discover different 3d animations.


4. Augmented Reality T-shirt
As in every space exploration, there were hidden dangers. Kosmodrom crew members had T-shirts triggering iconic scene from the movie Alien and chestburster animation.

Production: LiveViewStudio
Concept, AD, IxD: Marko Todorovic
Production Date: December 2012
Client: MTS



VIZION:AR / Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana za mts na Festivalu nauke 2011

We produced an interactive installation for mobile operator mt:s at Science Festival Belgrade 2011, showcasing different possibilities for education introduced by Augmented Reality. Using image and face tracking, as well as mobile AR, the installation offered visitors an opportunity to experience different aspects of AR, in fun and entertaining way.
The installation consisted of a giant book in which usual school subjects such as history, geography or science were presented with an AR twist. At the same time spatial signage and science safety symbols made visitors play the discovery game by pointing their phones at various signs pasted on the walls to uncover their meanings and hidden informations.
The idea of the exhibition, as well as more general thoughts on AR were presented to visitors using face tracking.

Kao deo šireg projekta VIZION:AR, cilj postavke je anticipacija koncepta primene proširene stvarnosti u obrazovanju. Stranice interaktivnog gigantskog udžbenika, koje predstavljaju biologiju, fiziku, istoriju i geografiju, su obogaćene multimedijalnim sadržajem u proširenoj stvarnosti. Segment postavke koji je izazvao veliku pažnju su interaktivne majice. Uz pomoć mobilnog telefona, posetioci su na promoterkama mogli da otkriju video snimke sa informacijama o generalnom sponzoru manifestacije. Takođe, autor projekta Marko Todorović je posetiocima na veoma neobičan način predstavio osnovnu ideju postavke. Za više informacija pogledajte video …

Production: LiveViewStudio
Concept, AD, IxD: Marko Todorovic
Production Date: December 2011
Client: MTS



PRONAĐI DUŠU U MAŠINAMA / Interaktivna prostorna instalacija realizovana za mts na Festivalu nauke 2015

Za Festival nauke 2015 smo realizovali postavku posvećenu Mihajlu Pupinu, odnosno njegovim pronalascima i profesorskom radu. Bočni zidovi objekta su predstavljali njegove najznačajnije patente, odnosno markere za aktivaciju animacije Mihajla Pupina u proširenoj stvarnosti dok je centralnu poziciju zauzimala interaktivna instalacija koja na simboličan način predstavlja doprinos Mihajla Pupina praktičnoj primeni X zraka. Pomoću “motion tracking” tehnologije, posetioci su imali mogućnost da svojim pokretima pomeraju skelet i aktiviraju audio legendu …


Production: LiveViewStudio
Concept, AD, IxD: Marko Todorovic
Production Date: December 2015
Client: MTS

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Portrait of The King


“Portrait of The King” is an interactive AR installation produced for permanent exhibition in the Memorial Room of the House of King Peter I in Belgrade, Serbia. The Memorial Room is part of a newly established cultural centre situated in a 19th century villa in which King Peter I Karadjordjevic lived after WWI.

King Peter I of Serbia reigned from 1904 to 1918. While he spent most of his life in exile as a result of dynastic disputes, during his short reign “Serbia and its king experienced all the glory and ordeals of history”. King Peter I was immensely popular throughout his reign and remains one of the Western Balkans most popular leaders. The house where he lived was declared a museum dedicated to his life almost a century ago, but its turbulent history has rendered most of the artefacts destroyed or lost.



Augmented reality was chosen to address the limitations brought by the inability to adequately display the remaining historical artefacts, but also to reflect, on the conceptual level, the ascetic lifestyle of King Peter. The interactive installation is based on a large-scale mosaic comprising several hundred photographs gathered from various national institutions and numerous private collections. The photographs portraying the King throughout his life, his family, his friends, his army, but also other important contemporaries that represent Serbia and the time in which he lived. Images are designed and positioned to build a large scale mosaic, forming a historical portrait of King Peter I of Serbia. Through Augmented Reality the portrait doubles as a platform for additional multimedia elements offering overlayed realities and new interpretative content as part of the experience. When viewed through junaio-powered iPads, various parts of the portrait are triggering new layered images and stories highlighting different aspects of the King’s life. By using iPads or iPhone/Android smartphones visitors can also see one of the first ever motion picture portrayals of Serbia (the crowning of King Peter) from 1904 in AR view, as well as a digital replica of the original crown. As new photographs and documents of the King’s life are found they will be built into the portrait, forming new “markers” and as a result triggering new historical narratives within a new spatial realm.
A contemporary approach in exhibition design offers an innovative museum experience, while the interactivity, introduced by augmented reality, engages visitors in an authentic way enabling them to become actively involved.


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